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Nursery Weekly blog - 12/05/2023

Our key text this week is “What the Ladybird Heard.”  We have used this talk about doing the right thing and making good choices. 

We have talked about the different sounds that animals make in the story. We have played “Animal Soundtracks” to support this learning. The children heard an animal sound on the CD and need to find the animal picture to match the sound. We have visited the school library to share books with an adult in a small group and voted on a selection of books to bring back to Nursery to share for the week.

As part of our Unlocking Letters and Sounds phonics learning, we have played the game “Name the Instrument” this focuses on sound discrimination with musical instruments.  “To support children to become familiar with the sound made by different instruments and begin to name them.”  

We have counted minibeasts in pictures.  Made junk models for the creatures to live in and gone exploring for minibeasts in our outside areas.

We have practiced number recognition and writing using the whiteboard, pencils, number puzzles and paint.

We have enjoyed playing with the Happy Land, home corner, mud kitchen and various construction resources.

We have made butterfly cakes and biscuits and played the Ladybird Orchard game together.  The children have made butterfly print pictures.

We have practiced ball skills, rolling a ball backwards and forwards with a partner and throwing a ball to each other one by one in a circle.  We have taken advantage of the dry spells and used the main playground to play games such as “What’s the Time Mr Wolf” and to practice running, jumping, hopping and following the play track.

On Friday we enjoyed a visit from Author Debs Pharaoh-Pink, who read to us her brand-new book.   What an exciting end to a busy week.