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Verwood Church of England First School and Nursery

Ash Weekly Blog - 30/09/2022

This week I have enjoyed making our Roman villas and decorating them with mosaics and borders. (Saul)

This week I have enjoyed writing our Roman diaries about us being slaves. (Phoebe)

This week I have enjoyed PE where we had to trust our partners with the blindfolds. (Dylan)

I had to show resilience when I was writing my diary and keep trying with my spellings. (Molly)

I also had to show resilience in Maths when we were rounding to 10, it was a bit confusing. (Darcie)

I had to show resilience when some things just wouldn’t stick on my Roman villa . (Milah)

I am looking forward to using some clay next week. (Evie)

I am looking forward to seeing who will get their pen licences. (Olivia)

I am looking forward to working with the music man again. (Molly)